Let’s strip it down and look at Jesus
in a real and human way.
He was born in a barn to an unwed mother; His cradle was a feeding trough. He died with even less dignity after being beaten, abandoned and shamed.
He loves everyone,
including prostitutes,
thieves and the outcast.
In desperate situations, even those who claim they don’t believe, call his name in prayer.
Every year in human history is designated as being before or after his life.
We don’t know what he looked like but his picture is the most recognizable of anyone in history.
He never wrote a book but is the person most written about in human history.
The story of his teachings is the subject of the all-time bestselling book and has been translated into over 2,500 languages.
The image of the cross has become the most recognizable symbol in the world.
He transformed the cross from a mechanism for a cruel death to the ultimate symbol of love and eternal life.